104 39th Ave SW, Suite E, Puyallup, WA 98373
(253) 841-1386


photo of family

"Thanks for taking such great care of us the past 23 years! All the best"
— Vaughan, Kim, Amanda & Brett

"Dr Gossler has been my dentist since 1987. He has done a great job with the amount of work I required over the years. I have also referred my family to him. Just like his motto says, he will make the world a better place, one tooth at a time. Thanks Dr. Gossler."
— Angie

"Our family has enjoyed your services for over 20 years. Thanks for all those worry and pain-free days, and for comfortable, flexible, friendly service. I suppose being in business this long you've already asked the question "Would you do it again?" I think I know your answer... Here's to 30 more, cheers!"
— Julie

"We cannot express to you our satisfaction and appreciation for your outstanding service during the last 30 years. We appreciate the speed, expertise, patience and personal attention we have received. The exceptional, friendly staff you have put together is and has been a great asset. They are highly trained, dedicated and motivated towards your one primary goal - the utmost comfort and service to your patients! You have required very high standards of quality and integrity, and you have motivated your staff to achieve the best results for your family of patients. Thank your again."
— Stewart & Patsy

"Congratulations on your achievements! I was very fortunate to come across your office. Dental care was never a priority until I had to get a root canal, well two, and it really opened my eyes to my overall health and well-being. Thank you for your dedication and work! Best Regards"
— Anna

"Wow! Congrats on 30 years. You are so good, I havn't been disappointed. I left my dentist after interviewing you. I too do not want you to retire, what would I do? I would need to break in a new dentist and I'm not sure I would have the energy! You staff's great, you run a good business and a tight ship."
— Peter

"Congratulations on 30 years in practice as a dentist. You must be good if we have been with you for 27 of those years. Please don't retire... at least for a while and when you do make sure your replacement is half as nice as you and takes your office staff! They are the other reason I keep coming back!"
— Kathi

"Congratulations! On having your practice open and successful for so many years! I must thank you for all you did for my two girls, Dalene and Lynnell when your practice was very young (back in the 1970's) you hired Dalene first to help clean the office and instruments, which furthered her desire to work in a dental office. After leaving she went to school and became a successful dental receptionist for many years. Thank you for giving her a start. Lynnell also helped in the 1980's where she too cleaned instruments and the office. She went on to school and is today a RN in a supervisor position for Multi Care's home health program. Thank you for giving her the incentive to be in a service helping others. Both Steve and I are grateful for all the good care you have given us over the years. We both wish you many more years serving the people of the community. Again Congrats!"
— Steve and Lorene

"Three decades! 3! III! Ten thousand, nine hundred, forty-three days! That's 26,632 hours or fifteen million, seven hundred fifty seven thousand nine hundred and twenty minutes. Wow! At the start of this letter I rattled off some big numbers relating to the amount of time Joseph Gossler has served Pierce County's dental needs. With those large numbers, you would think it would be impossible to get personal attention. That's one of the things I've always respected about Dr. Gossler, he's never too busy to take a moment to focus on you. Not only on the dental side, but on the human side. In my personal and professional life my smile is a blessing. When I flash it I do so with confidence because I know under Dr. Gossler's care, it's the best it can be! I have been a client for 14 years, and will remain with him until he retires, or they retire him! Thanks for the years Dr. Gossler!"
Warmest Regards
— Bill

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